Draft Logo

Since my blog is called “Don’t Forget Simon”, I thought it would be appropriate to incorporate my betta fish, Simon, into the logo.  Although I have many changes to make to the image, I think this is a good starting point. I chose to use a betta fish as the logo because it is a fairly simple design but also has textural elements seen in white details that make it look more interesting.  I used gettyimages.com to find a picture of a betta fish to work from. Below is a drawing of an image that I liked so I would have a better idea of the form and how it would look on paper.



Some changes that I will make from this draft to the final logo will be to add some color in order to make the image more playful. I don’t want to add too much color that it ends up overpowering the image but I think it is important to add a little in order for the logo to stand out. I am concerned that I do not know enough about Adobe Illustrator to make my logo turn out how I want but through more research and tutorials I believe I will be able to come up with a final logo I will be proud of. I am not exactly sure yet where I am going with this logo but I do know that I want it to be fairly simple yet colorful at the same time. I am also considering enclosing or surrounding the image with something else, either text or other simple details but I cannot be sure until the main focus of the logo is complete. I am looking forward to my final logo and know that I must continue looking around for more information in order to do what I would like with the final product.



  1. khheimbigner

    Ashley –
    I like your idea of starting your logo out with a picture of the namesake of your blog. It’s clever and brings your topic together full circle.
    As you say in your blog, this is a draft and I feel like you are headed in the right direction with the ideas you might implement.
    For feedback I will focus on the ideas you say you might use as you continue creating your logo. The first is color. I think 3 or 4 colors in the fish would be just right. 3 or 4 wouldn’t be too many to overpower the rest of the design of your logo.
    A background would be good as well, with some effects added to it. Text might be a good idea to. You could play off of your blog title of “Don’t Forget Simon.”
    Overall, your logo is off to a good start and it seems like you have a bunch of ideas to complete your final logo.

  2. Ashley,
    Wow, I’m impressed with your logo! I can imagine that must have been pretty difficult to create a fish with Illustrator! Very clever idea to pick a beta to represent your theme of “Don’t Forget Simon” Some tips for you that I might add for your final logo would be to implement colors into the fish. Maybe purple and blue, or you could do some original colors, like choosing your favorite colors. Another idea for you, is to add the initials DFS for “Don’t forget Simon” Maybe you could write the letters in a bright color like yellow or something that would stand out from the beta fish, but not totally take over the picture. Overall, your logo is off to a great start. Nice job!

  3. Ashley- first off wow on your logo it looks amazing. I can tell you are an artist. Your idea is fresh and simple that gets your attention. I really don’t know what to tell you because I think its done deal I wouldn’t change anything but if you personally wanted to change anything I think it would only make it better than it is and right now it is really close to perfect. Even though you said you wanted to add color I think it looks amazing in black and white.well im running out of words to say because there is really nothing eles to say about your logo I cant wait to see your final logo good luck.

  4. Ashley! What a great idea! I love how simple your logo is and that it implements a thought process! I like the simplicity of the black and white. I’m a sucker for black and white! However, I agree with the changes you wanted to change in your draft logo blog. I agree with the others in wanting a little color however, I like the black shadow on the fish. I would recommend keeping the dark shadow and adding one color to the bottom of the fish or perhaps if not too difficult adding different colors to the scales. But I would keep it simple and not over do it on a logo like this! Maybe some text but like I said before I like the simplicity and how it provokes a thought process! Overall it looks great!!

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