Category Archives: Uncategorized


Well, this is my last post. I had a fun semester getting to learn how to use different Adobe programs.  I think my favorite part of this class was during the sections when we used Photoshop and Illustrator.  I really


Well, this is my last post. I had a fun semester getting to learn how to use different Adobe programs.  I think my favorite part of this class was during the sections when we used Photoshop and Illustrator.  I really

Final Video Story

Here is my finished video story. I hope you enjoy it! I wanted this video to be similar to the MTV show Cribs.  Since my blog has been about my last semester at Washington State University, I wanted to show

Final Video Story

Here is my finished video story. I hope you enjoy it! I wanted this video to be similar to the MTV show Cribs.  Since my blog has been about my last semester at Washington State University, I wanted to show

Draft Video Story

I have been having a hard time uploading clips of what I have recorded in order to start making a video so I unfortunately do not have as much as I would like in a version that is able to

Draft Video Story

I have been having a hard time uploading clips of what I have recorded in order to start making a video so I unfortunately do not have as much as I would like in a version that is able to

Multimedia Video Footage

Here are my first two video footage clips. Please disregard the sound as I plan to take them out and add either music or other audio. Also, the orientation of the video will be changed as well so that they

Multimedia Video Footage

Here are my first two video footage clips. Please disregard the sound as I plan to take them out and add either music or other audio. Also, the orientation of the video will be changed as well so that they

Adobe Premiere Tutorial

Here is the first Adobe Premiere tutorial!  

Adobe Premiere Tutorial

Here is the first Adobe Premiere tutorial!  

Final Audio Story

Here it is! My final audio story. It didn’t exactly turn out how I wanted it to but it turned out interesting nonetheless. I ended up talking a little bit in the beginning as to why we went there and

Final Audio Story

Here it is! My final audio story. It didn’t exactly turn out how I wanted it to but it turned out interesting nonetheless. I ended up talking a little bit in the beginning as to why we went there and

Draft Audio Story

For my draft audio story, I decided to focus on my spring break and all of the things I will be doing during this up coming week. For the break, I am going with two of my roommates to New

Draft Audio Story

For my draft audio story, I decided to focus on my spring break and all of the things I will be doing during this up coming week. For the break, I am going with two of my roommates to New

Audio Tutorials

You can find my tutorials on Soundcloud. Tutorial 1 Tutorial 1 with music

Audio Tutorials

You can find my tutorials on Soundcloud. Tutorial 1 Tutorial 1 with music

Final Logo

As you know by now, the title of my blog is “Don’t Forget Simon”. For this assignment I decided to create a logo that specifically expressed the topic of my blog, hence the betta fish. My fish, Simon, is a

Final Logo

As you know by now, the title of my blog is “Don’t Forget Simon”. For this assignment I decided to create a logo that specifically expressed the topic of my blog, hence the betta fish. My fish, Simon, is a

Draft Logo

Since my blog is called “Don’t Forget Simon”, I thought it would be appropriate to incorporate my betta fish, Simon, into the logo.  Although I have many changes to make to the image, I think this is a good starting

Draft Logo

Since my blog is called “Don’t Forget Simon”, I thought it would be appropriate to incorporate my betta fish, Simon, into the logo.  Although I have many changes to make to the image, I think this is a good starting